Saturday, April 26, 2008

The ROotS on "RisIng DowN"

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WHEW!!!!!!!!!! That was a refreshing sigh of creative music in the building.. Lord knows what I would do if I didn't have real music with soul in my life...So You know I'm extremely excited for the new album from my guys The Roots called "Rising Down" I am LOVING LOVING LOVING the whole vibe of there new video called Rising Up featuring my soulful sistah Chrisette Michele lookins so fresh with her hiarcut ad her pin-striped blazer. Its also featuring hot lyricist Wale I have to say this single gives off a much lighter vibe than the majority of their tracks on the album
That is why I love The Roots so much the rawness of their music and the versatility of there style."We've Always felt that with every we should reinvent ourselves" is what they recently stated in the May issue of Essesnce magazine. They're new officially drops Next Tuesday on April 29th! On the album they tackle real issues in the community that we deal with on a day to day basis in a creative way. They hit topics as campus killings, Siera Leone and suicide bomb killers. Also in the Essence issue they state "My main concern is making credible music." Thank You Jesus for allowing a few people left in the music industry who stay true to themselves and the people. I'm a firm believer that HipHop is not dead it was just on vaction and I'm starting to see the hip hop jet ready for landing...God Bless!

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