Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Ayo's pure music and natural beauty is a perfect soulful marriage. I'm sure you have already spotted this talented woman in the Banana Republic City Story ads.Ayo was originally born in Germany to her Nigerian father. Ayo meaning joy in Youraba, grew up between the creative streets of New York and the magical roads of Paris.
Ayo's vulnerable lyrics is what attracted to me to her music. She often sings about what most indivduals try to avoid. For example in her single "Down On My Knees", she is pleading her former lover to pick her over his new love. Her music cleanses you of all emotions, heartbreak, and hidden jealousy.Her style caught my eye also. Her laid back Bohemian flair makes her music that much more grounded. I have been playing her album in rotation for the past couple weeks.
"Down On My Knees"- Ayo
Miracles & Blessings
God Bless!

Friday, May 22, 2009

"Put in Perspective"

"Proposal, Fax,Registration, Internship, Security Deposit, Rent, Apartment, Classes, Loans...." The list can go on. This is what I have been dealing with this past week. Lord knows I had a slight breakdown when I found out all these problems in less than an hour on a drab Monday.

Thankfully everything has pretty much pulled together on this chilly Friday.

Even though I feel as if my life is falling apart every other week, I can't complain. I always know that everything will fall in place eventually.

In the midst of the drama it seems as if and hour equal a day. A minute equals an hour, A second equals a minute. The problem seems drawn out for no reason until you look back and realize your breakdown was less than a week. The feeling I feel e when I look back is triumph! I know the more trials I go through the stronger individual I will become.

Complications just makes you that much more untouchable. It puts everything in perspective. Little situations that were "important" before soon become irrelevant and no longer a priority.

Now that I've weed out irrelevant issues in life, now comes the hard part. What do you do when every priority is a level 3 priority and higher?? Two words that were sent by my best Allison, ......."Grind Harder!" That's it. When you turn around and see that you cannot afford to slack in any area, you just have to exert more energy and faith to keep everything a float.

You feel on the top of the world when you climb the mountain that seemed humongous. Its funny because when you look back it was just a mere hill.

Prayer & Faith upon it each day and you will begin to see the difference of how you respond to life surprises!

Miracles & Blessings

God Bless!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

*My Calls*


I gave myself y one day, yesterday to feel sorry for myself and now I;m back in the game.

But anyways I meant to post my Beauty loves now....

These are th three nail colors I have been wearing in rotation. I know that it's spring and my colors should be brighter but it's not looking too good. I always tend to go for darker more rich colors with anything I wear, even in nail polish.

From Left to Right:Huckle Buckle-Berry Hard-Shifting Power

My next two products are dedicated to hair moisture Lord knows that being natural moisture is one of the hardest task. I use the Sulfur 8 almost daily. After I either two strand twist my hair or bantu knots before I got to bed I use it on my scalp. It loosens up my hair and makes it much more manageable.

My second product that I've been using on a regular basis is coconut oil. I've been using coconut oil by African Angel. It smells remarkable! It does a pretty good job on the scalp. All you need is a little palm ful and it will do the job. My biggest mistake was I used a tadbit too much:0

Last two products I have been without are health related! Craisins have been my best friend for the past couple of weeks. I often go through the day with only one main meal and awhole bunch of snacks ( I know I'm working on it). My snacks usually consist of chips, Candy bars and anything grossly unhealthy but tasty! But I found a new love, craisin! No only are they conveniently packaged but are both healthy and sweet.

Last product is just good ol' H2O. I have to admit I rarely drink water with my meals. I always carry a bottle of water just when I get thirsty throughout the day. A water filter has allowed me to save so much money other than buying bottled water! Water flushes out germs from our diet and helps clear brain activity soo drink away!

Miracles & Blessings

God Bless!

Monday, May 18, 2009

"I have to Carry On..."


"I'm Crying everyone's Tears...Just another day nothing is any good,I have so much to do I have to carry on......Maybe I should just walk away, will I disappoint my future if I stay?"- King of Sorrow Sade

Today is one of those days that hurts. I woke up this morning and had a gut feeling things were not going to fall in place today. I have no words.....just emotions.

Tomorrow will be a brighter day...

Miracles & Blessings

God Bless

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

**Picture Story**

So yesterday I went through an array of emotions.........

While Watching the....dun dun...The Tyra Show- "Good Hair vs. Bad Hair!"

The Foolery was too much I needed a Break, Hmm what do I want...

(yes I had my loves on)

Hmm, I don't know.. How about.....

Orange Julius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yess, I'm A Happy Camper!

Miracles & Blessings

God Bless!

**First Lady Fly**

I saw this pic at and had to post it! Do you see how jazzy our First Lady was at the White House Poetry Slam??

Everyone knows I'm a sucker for an off the shoulder top :0

Can You believe she's our First Lady???

Love It!

Miracles & Blessings!

God Bless!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's All In the Name

Greetings! As I am cooking my dinner (a frozen pizza in the oven) I was thinking of an old conversation I had with some of my homegirls. It was a pretty random and laid back debate but still interesting nonetheless.

As a single strong minded (maybe stubborn) female, I'm known as the harsh one when it comes to my friends. I cannot even tell you how many interventions I had in the past two months to cut males some slack. Hmm I think not. I have the right to have standards and if you cannot meet them you will be dismissed, hard feelings:0

But anyways me and my roommate were talking about names a male calls you when he is attracted to you. Sweetie, Babes, Boo, Sugar, Lovie, Honeydip, Chocolate kisses...whatever you catch my drift. I asked her how she felt about these little pet names that people give to each other when they are together. Her response was that she thinks its a sweet gesture when a guy gives her a name. She apparently loves being called "Babe" and loves to use "Boo" for whoever male she is with at the time.

My Turn. She asked me how I felt about the sweet little nicknames. I had to ponder on it for a moment.Hmmmm let me see my favorite name for a male to call me is own! After an eye roll and a chuckle from my roommate I realized that I even call males by their real names. I was never a fan of calling a male my boo, my love, my sweeite- all negative!

In all honesty my favorite name a male can call me is my own. I feel as if these little pet names are not only kind of lame but slightly generic. I'm sure every female that the guy ever talked to he has used that same nickname for all his girls. It's so much in a name. I can honestly say that I Love to hear a male just to call me Ellisa . I don't think it's cold or rude. I feel as if its more personable than all these other pet names.

My friends insisted that I'm heartless and that I am "guy" when it comes to showing affection.

Hmm Is it just Me??

"I never call you my bitch or even my boo

There's so much in a name and so much more in you"

-Common, The Light

Miracles & Blessings

God Bless

Let's Dance

Dance Break.............

Sometimes you need A dance Break In life....Go Ahead and Take One, No one's watching;)
(And yes those are inpsirational quotes all over the walls)

Miracles & Blessings

God Bless!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Music Inspiration

Morning Everyone! Song was stuck in my head this morning ..just wanted to share..

Miracles & Blessings

God Bless!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


"The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me." - Ayn Rand GOODMORNING BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!!! I have one thing to say this morning.....STAY HUNGRY!!!!! I'm not talking about physical food, but the plate when it comes to digesting your DREAMS!

I have to admit I have been going in and out of being fully motivated when it comes to fighting for my dreams. I was to a point where I was becoming slightly content with my situation. When I first made this move in life to live my dreams, I was so hungry. When I moved to Chicago and told my loved ones my future plans I had complete tunnel vision. I knew that there was nothing stopping me from pursuing my goals. Life's distractions tries to come to you in every situation: Doubters, Unmotivated people, Life's trials, and just plain negativity.

It hit me after I returned from Sunday Service this past Sunday, which was amazing, that Never put God in a box! Never limit what He can do in your life. It made me sit back to go back to my huge dreams when I had when I first made this move. I flipped through all my journals that had all my goals and it started to sink in. When I first was here I had an agenda to get me to the next level. I did everything in my power to reach all these goals. I stay in people's face and made it impossible to forget me wand what I wanted.

Just because you reached your first set of goals, the next thing to do is.....Set BIGGER & BETTER Goals!! Go back to what made you sacrifice everything in life.

Don't ever stay comfortable! If you're at a point where you are completely comfortable in life that just means you need to set new goals. Growth is a part of life!

You have to have an UNBREAKABLE Mentality. Its' not that I have full confidence in myself but I have FULL confidence in GOD . All I'm doing is staying focus on Him and where He wants Me to be !

Say your dreams EVERYDAY!! WORDS ARE POWERFUL! Say It!!! No matter how ridiculous it might sound!

And for my ladies, we have to grind it out twice as hard! That should motivate you even more to put everything you have in your dreams. Men are not the only ones that are able to become CEOs & Moguls. We all know that women are smarter than men(Lol) So we should be making major moves!!

Remember if you start to feel that itch in life that's just a warning sign that God is about to take you to a new level in life!

What more can I say??

Love Life.

Miracles & Blessings

God Bless!!