Wednesday, April 16, 2008

LoVe ...Is It A DEciSioN?

Love? Is the word that eased into my mind while sipping my Jamba Juice and lost in Floetry's spoken word, whilw the warm sun beamed in my apartment To me that word seems as a distant word of my future. This four letter word has brought heartache,pain and bitterness but the action of the word has brought hope, encouragement and peace of mind to an individual. A couple of Sundays ago Pastor Bill Winston quickly mentioned to the congregation that people don't fall in love, it's a choice that people choose to make. It kind of blew my mind when he said this so I've been asking close ones around me to hear their views. To my surprise I've heard all disagreements with the statement, they all informed me that they feel as if you have no control of the spiral cycle of love. I have not had the experience yet to be blessed enough to experience the true love that will overtake your life and allow you to be content with just a toothbrush and your love next to you. God has given everyone a choice in every aspect of life. One has a choice to open themselves up to allow the chance of love to slowly seep in. Once you're past a certain point with a person you have no control over your emotions but you do have a choice or stopping yourself before you hit that sacred moment in time before your lips breathes out love. The word itself is overused in every aspect of life. Just from saying I'm IN love with you to soon from saying I love the new handbag you splurged on. Love is a danger zone with hazard lights flashing that many people are afraid to enter. It's disappointing to see what a poor reputation that love has received from people idiotic mistakes as lying, cheating and infidelity. Its a risk that everyone seems to weigh against their personal experiences of life. Either in your past life or the present life God has blessed you with, you will eventually have the choice to fall in love or leave it as a mystery forever....Think About It...God Bless..

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