Tuesday, April 15, 2008


SoOo yes, I've been slackin' Big Time on the updates EEEk!!! Okay so Im going to do a couple postings at once since Im slackin'...SOOOO Okay for my first ..I have been waiting for this video!Paris, Tokyo by Lupe Fiasco music video. Its a different look for mr. Fiasco who is all suited and booted..the only critique I have in this video is the main girl...Hmmm that def. needs to be me.But I'm going to let that go! Lupe is looking to scrumptious in this video! No but really everyone you have to give Lupe mad respect in an industry where everything is being copied and spit back to the consumer as being different, Lupe is originally. Lupe is ridiculously lyrically inclined and he hasn't changed to try to conform and fit in the bullIsh thattales plac in the rap game. He is one of the reasons why Hip Hop is aon a venilator still breathing and not dea yet. I know people call me crazy but I honestly am going meet him soon...I have a gut feeling! Sooo when I do I will give you the exclusive of course! God Bless Loves!

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