Tuesday, May 20, 2008

MuSic Memories

Goodmorning!! Sooo the best way to deal with stress is to jam out to every feel good song you can find!Haha me and my homegirl Shani, were attempting to do work when we had an ol' school song fest.(And whe I say ol' school I mean our ol' school like early 90's:0) We were just hyping each other up and felt the need to continue to re-enact each music video... we could think of....so lets see if you remember a couple of hot tracks from the past....

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IMAJIN!!! OooHH I know you were groovin to them!!!I used to love them..They were like 75lbs soak n' wet with all their body weight combined but I still loved them! Even with the Indian creme all up in the hair!!

Ok Next One....

AAAHH TOTAL!! this was the best song from the group period!!!I was in grade school really acting like I was trippin' over someone!!

Ok last one..

Doesn't anyone miss Timbaland and MAgoo!! Ups jumps da boogie was the cut!! Okay I;m getting depressed because we at least had classic hits in the 90's ...in the words of Marvin Gaye..."What's going On???????" Okay jam out I might be posting more because some of these songs are classics...God Bless!!

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