Friday, January 2, 2009

Guilty Pleasures

Are insecurities taboo to discuss because nobody knows/wants to deal with them?

It's amazing of how much we hide from ourselves and from others around us. Insecurities tends to breed guilt towards ourselves, choices we make and even the environment we choose to be placed. The older I get the more the Lord reveals to me that He is the only one that is made perfect. No one else..which can have its shocking moments at times. it hits you hard when you gently have to take a person you admire off of a sky high pedestal. So how do you deal with such situations?

Do you bottle your confusion of emotions inside only so they can come pouring out at the most inconvenient time? Do you deal with the situation at hand, until you both come to a truths & still have to bury leftover emotions from the altercation inside? Or do you simply disassociate yourself from both the person and the situation? I have to admit I've used all three solutions in a distorted pattern. One cannot say which breeds the best results. Guilt is a strong word and an even stronger emotion.

Is it your responsibility as a peer, friend, lover, or sibling to make this emotion surface in others? Or is it our responsibility to shrink this emotion as much as possible?

As a writer the only time I can try to figure out these answers is when my pencil touches paper...its one of my guilty pleasures:0

If we know that Christ is the only One that is made perfect, why do we consistently punish ourselves with guilt. Is it the only emotion that makes us never to make the same mistake twice? Or is it a sour motivation that reminds us that doing bad secretly feels so good?

It could take years, decades, even lifetimes to piece these questions together with unwanted answers. Maybe their are no answers just a gateway to ore thought provoking questions. In any case to learn how to react to ourselves and others mistakes, is a road full of possibilities. I wonder if the most common solution is Letting Go & Letting God?

God Bless

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