Tuesday, April 7, 2009

*Heads Up*

Goodmorning! I was going to post something completely different this morning that has been rattling through my mind. Life happens, so I decided to change it up.

Yesterday was my official start of my quarter (im officially a senior in college, Praise God). I went to my full load of classes, ran errands, and ended up dozing off after an amusing episode of Harlem Heights.

I woke back up around 1 a.m. I don't have any classes today so I decided that I could do some late night organizing. Re-evaluating old papers, trying to make sense of what i call my closet and stacking all my mags and books in order time slipped passed.

I realized I didn't sneak back into bed until around 4 or 5 a.m. As I was getting prepared to lay down when I began to say a prayer. As I asked the Lord to protect my family a sharp pain struck my left side. I shook it off and repeated the prayer of protection over my family. The pain struck again.

This time I began to become alert because God sends signs all the time in the most peculiar way.

I finished up my prayer and snuck off to sleep with late night commercials bombarding the TV.

This morning I received a phone call an hour after I dozed off. I glanced at the number but I didn't recognize it so I ignored it.

Two minutes later I received a text from my older sister that she was in the emergency room because she had been in an car accident on her way to work.

I immediate jumped out of bed as she called to give me the details of how she was trapped in the car while smoke was taking a ride through her lungs.

Thank God that she is just fine but sore.

Just want to share the importance of prayer.

Thank God

Miracles & Blessings

God Bless;)

1 comment:

Al said...

CRAZY! I'm glad my Boo Eden is alright. It's weird because I get weird feelings about things too. Even crazier..Keri was in a car accident this past weekend. She's okay too. I pray for all my boo's safety every night.You just never know..with these nuts on the road!