Tuesday, May 13, 2008

"EXILE" This ShOW!!!

Sooo yesterday after watching the oh so surprising finale of The Hills..Note* They did Audrina wrong*( I know I'm a sucker for the show ...and every other fake reality show) But as the finale ended I was greeted by the ignorance of today's youth! Sooooo this foolish preview began with one of the females mildly retarded girls who were on Sweet Sixteen (Every person on that show was out of line except Teyana Taylor!) But anyways but the preview continues to show clips of her acting like a brat with no common sense. Once these clips were panned to her father who just seemed oh so irate that he created this ungrateful monster. As a lesson he sits her down and tells her he is sending her away....Long Pause.....dun dun dun ..AFRICA! "OH MY GOD! If you loved me you wouldn't send me there!" this comment literally wanted to throw my Boutique 9 heel through that damn television! Excuse my language but I can truly only take so much. The next clip is her in mud huts, pailing out water. PAUSE please do not get me wrong there are beautiful people of color in Africa who do still live in traditional huts and a more traditional style of lifestyles. I love and respect they're culture to the highest degree. My problem is that why in the world would you send little "Becky" to a stereotypical area in Africa where people already assume thats all it has to offer!! why couldn't they sent him to the city ..yes I said the city, yes with buildings and Ohh yeah and vehicles! You can still become exposed to other cultures and not perpetuate stereotypes. i'm extremely tired of ignorant Americans Asking me oh you've been to Africa.." so there's Tiger, lions And huts right?" No dumbass, How about you grab a book and educate yourself past what the media feeds you!!Im sincerely too through! Africa is such a rich and innovative continent but always gets down played. It is extremely sad how our society has come to agreement and that being dumb is cute. And Cee-lo daughter needs to be checked. Her father comes out with such thought provoking albums and she still thinks its attractive to try to assimilate in a society that will never truly accept her for the heritage that she is ashamed from..Sorry just had 2 vent .. Oh..God Bless!

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