Sunday, November 23, 2008

My Calls

Greetings My Fly People! No I'm not dead or have fallen off the face of the earth! I'm still kicking..November has been tad bit crazy ..but all is good. Okay so I'll update on my calls...first

A Good/ Classic Read.....No Disrespect

"Every woman ultimately wants the same thing; to be loved, respected, protected and successful. We know the goal. Now develop the plan. A good plan will only work if you have the discipline t achieve it." - Sister Souljah

This is what Sister Souljah wrote in my book when I met her freshman year of college. This is my go to book. When I feel as if my life is falling off track I pick up this book as a refocus tool. It's an easy read that speaks volumes! I had to reread this book at the beginning of the month to gather my thoughts..pick it up!

My Fall/ Winter Comfy Look

So I recently purchased the a pair of black leggings/ pants from BCBG MaxAzria and I'm in love. Not only am I'm completely comfortable when I work but I can go run errands and feel comfy also! So on that note when I don't have to wear all black with them at work I like to pair them up with a huge off the shoulder sweater or an oversized belted flannal with flat boots. Pure Comfort! and of course you can always jazz it up with bold accessories or throw some heels on and call it a day! Oh and please don't think you have to spend tons of money on this! These are the perfect thrift stores finds. I bought a couple last week and they ranged from $1.50- 3.00 a piece. Work it out!

My Health

"I have never worked with someone who has ever complained so much through a workout:( But I have also never worked with someone as athletic as you:)"

This is what Kevin, one of the Personal Trainers at Crunch gym said to me after a workout! So yep I had t get a gym membership. I noticed not only that I was breathing a little too hard after climbing the steps at the train station but my stress level was at an all time high. I have a love/hate relationship with working out. I love the energy and the final results after I workout. I hate actually getting out of bed and walking 2 blocks in the cold to leave in pain. But I'm all about a healthy lifestyle and not losing my mind so I advise if you don't workout n regular does wonders.

And since we're on a healthy tip ...Blueberries has been my healthy snack. I realized that it was pointless if I dragged myself to the gym and come home and indulge in a bag full of salt and vinegar chips. So I stopped by Dominicks and forced myself to pick out healthy snacks. i realized my blueberries have been my favorite. They have energy boosting carbs, appetite suppressing fibers and of course vitamin c..try them out

My Mood/Groove

Stepping Stone - Duffy

Now I'm not depressed in anyway ..I just love the groove of this song and others like this. It's my thinking music when I'm daydreaming on my next move in my life. I love it . It makes me want to travel overseas...random I know.

well Miracles & Blessings until next time

God Bless

Friday, November 7, 2008


GREETINGS!!!!!! I know it has been a couple of days since the history has been made but don't think I forgot to blog or didn't see how important this matter was...the truth was every time I would try to sit down I would tear up thinking about our NEW PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA. I am speechless. I am grateful. I am surprised. I am overjoyed. I am emotional. November 4th, 2008 marked the day that I and many other people of color look at America in a different light.

Once they announced Barack Obama President in Grant Park I started balling! I could not believe what just took place. Grant Park was filled with screams, cries, and permanent smiles that represented the mark of our 1st African American President. Michigan Avenue was blocked off with Americans running and a new filled hope that is still growing. When he gracefully took the stage I gazed at the Jumbo Screen and I have never felt so content in my entire life. Once Michelle and the daughters walked on stage my vision was a blur because tear were welling up in my eyes. The family that stood before me was now the family in which America would see and idolize as the "American Family." It touched my heart when I saw the support and love between Michelle and Barack. When Michelle mouthed "I love you" to Barack my heart dropped. Not only was this a beautiful example of Black Love but it was being displayed to America. It was the perfect example of how the Black Family should be portrayed.

Every time Obama opens his mouth he captivates everyone in his presence with his genuine smile and his calm demeanor. I cannot believe that America supported him. I am even more proud to be a strong woman of color living in this Nation. Barack Obama being elected President is much more deeper to the natural eye. Yes we made history but how African Americans look at this country will never be the same.

The most prominent issue that stood in my head was the new found pride that people of color have begun to carry. Once God blesses me with a family, I can look in my children's eye and tell them that You can be anything.....and mean it. I can look at myself in the mirror each morning and tell myself that I can reach any goal I set with Hard work and God. It also helps both Black Males and Females to set the bar high for themselves with both personal goals and when it comes to relationships.

Michelle is and already has been such a powerful role model to young African American females in this Nation. She conducts herself with not only self respect but an honest attitude. I love the fact that she is an extremely accomplished woman by herself. She did not need a male to define her. even with =in her marriage her independent stature continues to shine through. It's amazing to me how she combines both independence but is the backbone of her husband. When he introduced her as his best friend for 16 years my heart smiled. They our the definition of a couple being equally yoked. I love the fact the Barack shows his vulnerability when Michelle is in his presence.They are the definition of Black Love.

I pray every night for the Lord to guide his actions. I thought I would never see this day. It's makes me overjoyed for me to believe that all of our peoples struggle was not in vain. This country is growing and maturing. This puts life in perspective for me. All the issues and earlier life complaints have been erased. Its funny because every morning while walking my three blocks to the train station I would have a defensive attitude while walking through my predominantly white neighborhood. The next morning after Barack Obama was elected it was erased. Its truly like I put my 1st pair of contact s in when viewing America.
Oh Lord... My thoughts are completely everywhere now...I apologize for skipping from subject to subject. I just had to post something about this remarkable night. I'm officially addicted to CNN an didn't leave my house (even with my long list of things 2 do) until I heard his first News Conference after the election. In which I wold say he was extremly poised and comfortable. I love the fact hhe threw the issue of finding the right dogs for his daughter. It definitely lightened the mood. Oh and yes I stood in line to get 10 copies of both the Chicago Suntime and Chicago Tribune the morning after he was elected. Yep its official I am beginning to srapbook:)

We got him in office. Now Its our time to help keep him there!! Everyone needs to do their part!

OH I LOVE IT! Please don't be surprised if I post at least once a week on OUR NEW PRESIDENT And THE BEAUTIFUL FIRST FAMILY. Just warning you they will be frequent guests;0

Oh My Goodness!! OBAMA 08!!WE'RE IN THERE!!!

GOD BLESS!!!!!Because he has been blessing us so far!)